House Factions
Coodanup College House Faction System
Upon enrolling at Coodanup College each student is allocated into a house faction. Each faction is identified by a different colour. The house faction system has been created as an additional support system for students as they are teamed up with their siblings in a group with students from Years 7–12. This additional support system gives students opportunities to compete in different events in a supportive, encouraging environment. These events can be sporting, cultural or academic. Students are awarded points which are tallied with the rest of their house group creating healthy rivalry and support between teams. These house faction points will also be linked with our schools PBIS Reward system.
Each House Faction is led by four student leaders and an encouraging staff support unit. These captains are selected by the staff for their strong leadership skills, commitment to other students and to the school. Students are encouraged to wear their coloured sports shirts on their physical education days.