
The Agriculture course operates in the science laboratory and Agricultural area. Students will explore the Five Kingdoms for animals and plants as a basis for the course, and gain knowledge in a variety of specific areas relating to plant and animal life that are relevant to available career options within farming. In Year 10, students can participate in the pre-vocational course enabling them to begin preparation for the start of the certificate course the following year, addressing technology and relevance to rural areas and specific jobs.

Home Economics
Home Economics develops student skills in food preparation and knowledge of the nutritional value of foods. Using practical and theoretical components, students will explore the importance of Food and Nutrition and investigate different methods of preparing foods and making healthy choices.

Students will undertake a variety of projects to learn the technology process (investigate, design, produce and evaluate). With the opportunity to use electrical machinery to shape projects and further develop their skills using hand tools, students will extend their skills and knowledge in various household product constructions and may lead into the Construction Pathways Certificate course for Years 11 and 12.

Metal Technology
Students will undertake a variety of projects to learn the technology process (investigate, design, produce and evaluate). With the opportunity to use electrical machinery to shape projects and further develop their skills using hand tools, students will extend their skills and knowledge in various household product constructions and may lead into Certificate Course Engineering Pathways.

Applied Technology
Designed to introduce students to the basics of mechanics, Applied Technology is practically orientated and will give students the ability to carry out basic repairs, along with building and operating small engine driven Go-Karts. Students are given the option of enrolling in the Certificate Course Automotive Vocational Preparation and provided with lead in training for the trade courses offered in Senior School.

Design and Technology
In Design and Technology, students develop an understanding of material properties whilst exploring alternative and innovative uses of materials in the design process. They are encouraged to research their own projects in an attempt to innovatively solve an identified design problem, and extend skills learnt in lower school Woodwork and Metal Technology.